As in the last edition, the party will start with the Children's run at 17.45 hours from Manuel Iradier road to Plaza España -around 1 km- for every child younger than 14. The Adults' run will start at 18.30 pm from Nieves Cano Road to Plaza España what will take 9,1 km: Runners should range between twenty five minutes to one hour.
The inscriptions are open until next 27th December in Civic Centers, Estadio Foundation and Local Saving Caja Vital web page. The inscription is free for the Children's run, and 8 € for the Adult's one -7 € if done with Caja Vital- . Dorsals can be taken next 27th and 28th December at the Alava Athletics Federation.
It is expected that 1,800 runners will join the run, who will recieve a conmemorative t-shirt, provisioning at the end of the run, and will also join a raffle of presents -whose names will appear in El Correo newspaper edition of January the 2nd.
Further Information:
- Estadio Web Page (only Spanish)
- Route map.
- Adults' web inscriptions -using either debit or credit card- at Caja Vital (only Spanish).
- Childrens' web inscriptions (only Spanish).
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